March 7, 2023

JTW Accountants at Accountex Australia 2023

We’re excited to announced that our Managing Director and Founder, Jeremy Wotton, will not just be attending the very first Accountex Australia conference (at the ICC in Sydney next week), but speaking at Accountex Australia 2023!

Jeremy will be joining quite possibly (and quite genuinely) the nicest guy in all of Accounting (yes, it’s a big call, but if you know, you know) Paul Murray, Founder of Account Kit on stage on day 2 of Accountex Australia to talk how JTW Accountants built its tech stack around, and performs at its peak with Account Kit.

To recognise this, the organisers at Accountex Australia have issued Jeremy with an officially official, and just as shiny, Accountex Speaker Badge.

As a recipient of the badge, Jeremy has been endorsed as a speaker of Accountex Australia 2023. The criteria for the speaker’s sessions were designed to impart their expertise to the participants so that they can enhance, be enabled, and be empowered with the right knowledge to navigate future finance, bookkeeping and accounting trends.

With a strong focus on harnessing the potential of technology and best business practices for firms of all sizes, this badge indicates that this speaker is actively participating in the finance community through sharing of their own expertise. They have demonstrated that they are committed to driving new thinking and helping the profession embrace a new digital era.

We’re genuinely excited to be a small part of the very first Accountex Australia – which promises to bring something never seen before to the Accounting landscape in Australia.

For us, it’s an opportunity to catch up with friends both old and new and to reconnect with other leaders in the Accounting industry. We cannot wait to be in Sydney once again next week.

Be sure to follow all of our socials in time for next week for all things Accountex Australia 2023.

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